Today’s Distance: 54km | Total Distance: 334.7km |
We didn’t want to do a big day from Sale to Bairnsdale so we found a caravan park in Hollands Landing* which is approximately half way between the two cities. It’s really the only option on the quiet C road. Tourists probably don’t come to Hollands Landing, fishermen do. From what we can tell, there is great fishing here in the lake. We are the ONLY people staying in this Caravan Park. No Grey Nomads, no residents, just us. It’s a bit weird.
Cycling today ranged from dead flat and quite similar to NZ scenery to very Australian gum trees and views.
Tomorrow we will head to Bairnsdale. We’re looking forward to Bairnsdale as it’s been the destination since we started biking and will be the end of this leg of the trip. We’re looking forward to popping back to New Zealand and really looking forward to cycling after Bairnsdale. There are lots of options and we are leaning towards cycling the Bonang Highway. Plenty of time to research and chat to bike shop staff about possible routes.
Highlight of today: Being a day away from Bairnsdale
*Will is a card carrying member of the Apostrophe Protection Society and he wonders why Hollands Landing doesn’t have an apostrophe.

Lunch at the fire station


Jen coasting